Friday, August 6, 2010

Away They Go!

After watching and caring for them for a few days we decided it was time to release the frogs.  We knew they were just temporary guests and we couldn't keep them in captivity.  Besides the 'aroma' from the habitat was getting stronger.

So we decided to take a hike to the park by the river -- everyone agreed that was a good place for frogs.  Once there we found a grassy spot to sit and gathered in a circle.

One by one the frogs were removed from their temporary home and released.
They didn't flee as quickly as we thought they would.  Some of them stayed to visit a bit longer as if to say a proper good bye.

There was a brief moment of panic when the baby 'swatted' one of the frogs.  I thought we might have to do frog CPR but it was OK.  The last frog hopped off toward the safety of the bushes and we headed back to our home too.

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