Around here possibly the longest, most in depth topic of study has
been sow bugs. This is probably due to their abundance in our
environment. There are always some sow bugs wandering around in the
basement bathroom – occasionally I have to go and find a child who has
become engrossed in observing one and forgotten to return. Periodically
a sow bug finds its way into the main floor playroom – sometimes they
have been aided by a two legged accomplice. The majority of the sow
bugs live outside in the yard where they belong – and are often
collected to live in fancy homes that have been lovingly created for
We know a lot about them. We know they are not insects – they fall
in the crustacean family. We know they are ‘good’ because they feed on
dead plant matter and return nutrients to the soil – an important role
in the environment. Generally they are accepted, respected and even
adored but occasionally they are victims of misfortune.
Last week there had been some intermittent showers which made things
in the yard damp. Collecting the water that had accumulated in various
containers was usually the focus of the children’s attention. One child
discovered that the bark that still remained on a few of the logs was
now soft and not firmly attached. It became a group project to remove
as much of the bark as possible. They used sticks as levers to pry the
bark off;
There was a moment of stunned silence when the bark was removed and ‘hundreds’ of sow bugs scurried for cover.
Then the mob attacked: bashing bugs with sticks and stomping on them
while repeatedly yelling ‘lemonade’. I don’t know why they chose to say
‘lemonade’ when their tone implied that they really meant ‘die, die,
die’ except that lemonade sounded ‘nicer’. Then they did it again with
another piece of bark;
I was a little perplexed. The first time I thought maybe it was the
surprise of seeing so many sow bugs moving quickly that prompted the
attack but now the children were looking for them – expecting there to
be sow bugs behind every piece of bark. They were hunting and the
massacres continued.
So I asked them why they suddenly did not like the sow bugs? What did
the bugs do to deserve this attack? The sow bugs had been minding
their own business, doing their job, they posed no threat to anyone.
The children looked a little sheepish when I asked these questions.
None of the children answered but one began explaining why the bugs had
been behind the bark. “It is wet. They like to live in wet places. It
was their home” All the children started picking up pieces of bark and
looking for bugs;
One excitedly called the others over to see a ‘baby’ one they had found;
They now engaged in a search and rescue mission. Locating sow bugs;
Carefully taking them to safe locations;
Reuniting ‘families’.
I’ll admit that I do not like to have sow bugs in my home. I would
not be comfortable having one crawl on me and I may inadvertently kill
the odd one. However, I understand their purpose in the world and I
will defend their right to peacefully coexist with the rest of us. I
will stand up for them as I would for any other underdog.