Friday, March 31, 2017

Waffle Blocks

There is not nearly enough space in the playroom for all the toys I own so the majority are stored in bins in the basement.  Puppets, blocks and animals are sorted into groupings of similar items so it is easier for me to select the ones I want to bring out when I rotate toys. I have a spreadsheet which helps me keep track of when toys are added to or removed from the playroom.
I usually manage to get every toy into the playroom for at least a few weeks each year – more often if the children have favourites or request a specific toy.  Occasionally there are toys that don’t get brought out because they are not developmentally appropriate or interesting for the children enrolled at the time.
Last month when I put the castle blocks and the puzzle people back into storage I brought out the stacking cups and Waffle Blocks instead.  One by one as the children arrived and entered the playroom I heard “Ooooh, what are those!?” or similar comments.  I was a little confused as these are old toys so I checked the spreadsheet again an realized that it had been more than two years since the last time the Waffle Blocks were out!
This group of preschoolers really enjoyed the Waffle Blocks – they played with them almost exclusively during the entire five week period of time these blocks were in the playroom.  I liked that there was a lot of cooperation and creativity when they played with these blocks.
In the past I’ve had some groups that found these blocks boring – making nothing more than a cube or two and maybe adding a roof.  Other children have had difficulty forming the  cubes ‘properly’ and easily became frustrated, constantly asking for assistance.  I’m not concerned about ‘proper’ cubes so I tend to let them figure it out.
It is somewhat difficult to make weapons out of Waffle blocks which may have forced this group to expand their interests a little more.  Also, because I don’t have a lot of these blocks, if they want to make something BIG they have to work together on one structure.  I’ve considered getting more Waffle blocks but then I watch the children problem solve ‘not enough blocks’ and think maybe less is better.
I was particularly impressed by the architecture involved in this  creation;
Waffle blocks have never been one of my personal favorite construction toys but I was definitely pleased with what this group of preschoolers managed to do with them.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Playroom Update

It has been a while since I wrote about making any changes to our play space - that doesn't mean I haven't made any changes.  I have actually made many, many changes since last summer but just never wrote a post.  Maybe I didn't feel the project was complete, maybe it was just a small change not worth a post, or maybe it was a change that I didn't like - that happens sometimes, my visions don't always translate into reality.  Most likely though, I waited to see how the change 'worked' and then got busy and forgot to write.
So, here are some updated photos of the playroom after the most recent long weekend reno.  First, an overview (it is impossible to get everything in one photo - and this one is blurry too).
The shelf units that house the mini scenes were moved from the nature area to the housekeeping/dramatic play side of the playroom.  I think they may be used more often now that they are here instead of the dark corner of the nature area.
The dollhouse shelves are here too - they need some repairs and new furniture.  This space hasn't been a priority for a long time due to lack of 'appropriate' interest from the current group - I'm hoping to change that.  For now the addition of a new steering wheel has been the highlight of the reno for the boys.
They have always used the spinning maze as a steering wheel for their car/truck/school bus dramatic play - now they have two, and the mirror is an added bonus - they love to watch themselves play.
I recently moved the table and the dress up clothes but the rest of the housekeeping area hasn't changed since summer. It looks like this;
The cash register was moved off the kitchen counter and now has its own space - not sure yet if I'll add anything to the shelves or leave that for the children to decide what to 'sell';
The nature area is now a 'toy free' zone intended solely for reading, relaxing or looking out the window.  This has already dramatically improved the issues related to running and jumping back and forth between play areas and fighting over space on the old reading couch.
The block bin was moved over to make room for the table - which now is also used as a serving counter or 'take out window'. The new angle of the block bin means the building area is not blocking a walkway anymore either.
The music area hasn't really changed since last summer but I don't think I ever posted a picture of it - and I still haven't got more green paint...
The other 'favouite' new addition is the workbench.  This was the storage area for tools and miscellaneous toys before but it didn't have a workbench.  I always considered the top of the block tin to be a workbench - the children did not.  They love this.
I like it too - I'm going to add some more tools but first I have to buy some.... :-)