But yes, our surroundings and the other people in it can have a significant effect on how we feel and the things we do. That effect can be either positive or negative.
Recently there have been a few days that were warm and dry enough that the children and I didn’t have to wear mitts and we could get some of the toys from the deck box. Yeah – we were all very excited. Giggling and “It is summer” cheers could be heard throughout the yard.
Favourite cars were chosen and mountain races were held. The ponies initiated some type of intervention to persuade the shark that just because he had sharp teeth he didn’t have to be a bad guy. After all, the dinosaurs, crocodiles and even Godzilla were on the ponies’ side.
There was peace in the world and life was good. Then Saturday morning I awoke to – more snow. Ok, I know the weather forecasts had predicted it but they are sometimes wrong and I was hoping this was one of those times. Certainly in November or December I would think that this was pretty;
But it is mid April and I want to see happy ponies galloping through green meadows with flowers and butterflies. Today I am sticking to my plan to attend the Earth Day celebration at Fort Whyte Alive. My sixteen year old son and I have been eagerly anticipating this weekend outing (too bad there is no daycare today – the little ones would have loved to come along).
We are going to play outdoors and have some fun. We will ignore that grumblings of our driver who was hoping there would be a cancellation due to inclement weather. We are going to celebrate the Earth and all its weather conditions.
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