Last week they engaged in an elaborate activity that involved all the children in a variety of roles. They started a ‘chocolate factory’. Mmmm. I do love chocolate. This chocolate however was not your typical chocolate. This chocolate came from a mine. So first the ‘miners’ had to dig a mine to find the chocolate;
You see, the top layer of gravel is ‘vanilla’ but underneath the gravel is ‘chocolate’. I know why, do you?
The ‘shopper’ had the task of working as liaison between the miners and the baker. The shopper made regular trips from the bakery to the mine to get the necessary supplies. She always arrived with empty containers but after a little negotiation — using gems for currency – she left with containers full of delicious chocolate;
The bakers were pleased. They had plenty of cocolate to use in their cupcakes;
I got to pick my favorite — the one with the most chocolate of course
After I finished my cupcake I went for a walk in the garden and inadvertently ended the chocolate factory game. You see, in the garden I noticed a multitude of cabbage worms on our broccoli plants. My expression of annoyance and disgust attracted their attention and I was nearly trampled.
Apparently some people like worms more than chocolate;
I’m not one of them. Even if they are just ‘baby’ worms and you try to persuade me they are ‘sprinkles’ I still don’t want any. No thank-you, I’m not hungry anymore.
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