So here, for Halloween celebrations I follow the lead of the children. They are welcome to wear their costume to show their friends if they want to but I find they rarely leave them on for long. This year I was a cow girl — YeeHaw!
As the children were playing they began dancing in front of the mirror and making silly faces. They tried out many facial expressions and really seemed to enjoy this activity.
So, keeping with the ‘faces’ theme I printed some ‘face parts’ and let the preschoolers make faces on paper pumpkins;
Then they played with the potato heads;
At quiet time, the older preschoolers used face parts cut from magazines to make some faces too. Theirs were not as ‘silly’ since they are ‘big kids’ now — in school part days you know. They were very focused on making their faces ‘correct’.
Really, all they were really interested in was talking about the candy they were going to get. Sigh, I’m glad Halloween is over for another year. I’m looking forward to something more interesting. Like maybe….snow
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