Today all I have time to write is a little snippet of some of last week’s observations. First, I’m very pleased with the progress of the plants in the garden. Last year the cucumbers made it only part way up the trellis but the children still enjoyed relaxing there;
This year the beans have grown to the top of the trellis and beyond;
Most of the herbs are growing well too but sadly many of the children enrolled this year seem to have little interest in exploring the garden. They do like to water it though.
I’m quite interested in some of the plants that are growing in the bare spots that we never got around to planting anything in. I wish I was able to identify some of them – I assume they are weeds. I pull the thistles but others I think are pretty so I leave them to grow. Maybe someday I’ll find out what they are – do you know?
The baby loves the gravel area — I’m glad I no longer restrict the little ones access to this area. Some day I’ll write a post about my transition from keeping babies ‘as safe as possible’ outdoors vs ‘as safe as necessary’. One of the babies favorite activities has been to slide her feet back and forth until she buries them completely;
Then she picks all the little gravel pieces out of her sandals – without asking me to help
Finger knitting has become the favorite quiet time activity for the school-age boys – the girls have little patience for it;
But everyone loves painting on the plexiglass outdoors;
Moving the plexiglass easel was part of the major project this past long weekend. Stay tuned for more of the project details when I find some time to write….
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