The ‘big’ project will involve rearranging the parking area, moving the fence, and an overhaul of the gravel area and loose parts storage. I wrote about the plans last Spring – read about it here. We already built/moved the sheds but ran out of time last summer to complete the project.
I’ve had nearly a full week with my new summer group and it was wonderful. Everyone is settling in to our routine and the lack of a school-defined schedule has greatly improved the ‘flow’ of the day.
Outside I have all the new stumps stored in the corner of the yard waiting until the yard project begins. Interestingly, the older children have deemed this to be the ‘perfect cooking spot’. Hmmm, I’ll have to modify my plans a little so we can continue to accommodate this;

The old stumps are still as popular as ever. The lone boy in the group seems somewhat concerned about all the climbing and jumping about.

Later he put on the construction helmet and did this;

‘No climbing here’ :-)
I found a dead moth and gave it to the insect lovers.

Turns out it wasn’t dead – just injured – so it was rushed to the emergency room. For nearly an hour a team of dedicated medical personnel worked to save the moth – or at least make it a little more comfortable. Here is his x-ray/chart;

As excited a I am about all the renovations I have planned for the next two weeks I am also going to miss these kinds of activities too. However, I’m certain we’ll have many more adventures when we return.
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