Today is the last day of 2014 but that isn’t really why I think it is special.
Today is quiet. As usual I’ve been up since 5:00 AM – normally the first children arrive at 6:30 but today there won’t be any children here until 8:00 AM. My husband and adult children have no reason to be up this early so they are all still sleeping. It’s just me and the cats who are curled up on the mat under my chair as usual;
I know, some of you are wondering ‘WHY?’
Not ‘Why are those cats sleeping on that mat where there is a good chance they will be run over by the chair wheels?’ – I don’t know the answer to that question. The question many of you are probably wondering is ‘Why did you get up so early if you didn’t need to?’ That question has an easy answer.
There is nothing, NOTHING, I cherish more than a few hours of uninterrupted silence – preferably first thing in the morning. When my family asks me what I want for my birthday this is what I ask for. The only way to make this better is to be alone, outside in the forest.
There are no distraction – just me, reflecting. In fact, when asked ‘What do you remember most about your childhood?’ this is it. I spent hours upon hours alone in my room, or out in the yard, or wandering through the neighbourhood doing nothing but reflecting. Imagining. Dreaming.
Today I sit at my computer – a distraction I suppose, but at the moment it is only this blog post which is really just a record of my musing. I wonder what types of things I would have written if, as a child, I had ever carried a journal to record my thoughts during my vast periods of solitude.
Today my thoughts center around the past few weeks and the beginning of the new year.
- Many of the children were away for the holidays so most days I only had three children here. Those three children do not usually choose to play together when the whole group is in attendance. Each of those three children have other friends that they would much prefer to play with – but they were away. It was very interesting to watch this group of three interact – surprisingly their behaviour was more cooperative than usual.
- I’m loving the new playroom/nap area set-up. There are still a few modifications I want to make but overall it is working very well.
- I enjoyed hosting my family Christmas dinner this year. I made way too much food for 10 people – didn’t cook again for three whole days.
- I want to use my new smart phone more – I’m still learning what it can do – it is limited by me. It could be a journal….
- I have a four day weekend with no specific plans yet – will have to catch up on paperwork – I promise.
- I’m excited that we have three more providers interested in joining the Family Childcare Committee. Add them and the two new members that already joined this year and our committee has doubled in size :-)
- I want to get rid of some junk – there is so much stuff here that we don’t need/use but it takes so long to go through everything.
- I hope it is not to hard for the children to return to their regular schedules – change is so hard for many of them
- I want to do more art stuff
It is almost time for the children to arrive. I’ve enjoyed my special quiet time. Happy New Year!