At that time I wasn’t thinking about winter but now that the snow is here we have been creating a BIG hill in the yard by piling all the snow inside the stump circle.

This picture was taken before the recent snowfall. Yesterday we spent nearly two hours adding more snow to the pile so now the hill is much bigger :-) Watching the children play on this hill makes me dream of permanently filling that stump circle so we have a big hill in the summer too – but I would miss the inner stump circle and the tunnel too.
With all the snow piled up one side of the tunnel is now blocked so the ‘tunnel’ is actually a ‘cave’.

This cave is now a favourite – not so secret – hiding spot.

Found you!

Another favourite space is inside the tipi. In summer it is nice to be able to see through the tipi and into the lane beyond the fence.

In the winter I pile snow behind the tipi and it becomes a wonderful place to sit when you want shelter from the wind.

We love our winter yard.
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