I'll admit that in preparation for my second fitness test session I had spent some extra time working on the exercises that the trainer had had me do at the first session. Then for the second session the trainer chose different exercises - sneaky trick. When he asked if I do squats I replied 'No' because they are not part of my gym routine. Yet, during the test I found them surprisingly easy to do. In the days since the test I've realized that I do squats all day long - every time I pick up a toy off the floor while carrying a baby. :-)
Over time I have made some changes to my gym routine. I have different preferred gym locations than I used to hence my 'home' gym is different now. Some of the machines or programs that used to be my favourites I now rarely use - in part because they are no longer challenging. Some of the machines that I used to find intimidating - like this one;
are now exhilarating. This makes me happy that I didn't choose to buy exercise equipment to use at home - I probably would have quickly lost interest.
However, probably the biggest change I've made is when I go to the gym. Originally I chose Monday, Wednesday, & Friday evenings as well as Sunday mornings - this gave me four weekly workouts that were spaced roughly 36 - 48 hours apart. It was during my summer vacation that I first made the change - going to the gym in the morning on weekdays too. Wow, I've always been a morning person - morning workouts are soooo much better for me.
I thought the biggest problem was going to be that on weekdays I already get up at 5:00 am so to add a trip to the gym in before my day with the children would mean losing sleep and getting up at 4:00 am instead. Interestingly I've discovered that I actually get MORE sleep at night now since the long wind-down period after an evening workout meant I was never able to get to bed at a decent time and my schedule was messed up. A morning workout is a great way to greet the day!

Also interesting is that although there are fewer people at the gym at 4 am than at 9 pm there are still a surprising number of us there. Not surprising is how chipper they are - these are my peeps - cheerful and eager to meet the new day even without coffee.
Good Morning! I'm ready to play, are you?
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