It arrived on Monday - at nap time as usual - I'm fairly certain that all couriers are required to make daycare deliveries at nap time and they get a bonus if they kick the door at the same time as they ring the doorbell... *sigh*
I decided to wait to introduce the new items - but the packaging was fun for day one;

Making a 'sidewalk'.

'Crinkles' when we walk on it;

Plenty of after nap fun with just the packaging;

Day two - let's open the little boxes that came in the big box;

What are these?

Let's sort them;

They're called 'Balance Pods' - Can you stand on them?

Is it easier or harder if they are upside down?

Maybe we should hold hands;

Even the baby wants to try;

Let's see if we can sit on them;

Or walk;

So many new things to try - this is only the beginning;

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