For many years I regularly used my 15 passenger van to take the children on field trips. It had plenty of room for all the car/booster seats, supplies, and even my teens when they came along to help out. Eventually the costs of upkeep for the old van began to outweigh the benefits of using it. When all my original car seats expired I priced out buying five new ones I decided that the expense wasn’t justified for just a few outings a year.
I discovered that I don’t miss taking the children to museums and we can walk to the library and many other neighbourhood attractions. So, for the past four years we haven’t gone on an outing that required transportation. In fact, we go on far more walking adventures than we ever did before and they are much more spontaneous (emergent). I do however miss the farm trips and many of the distant hiking trails we used to frequent. So this summer I decided to take my little group on a city bus adventure to the closest one of the trails – Bunn’s Creek Trail.
For some of the children this was their first ever experience on a city bus. They were all very excited. Throughout the 20 minute ride they giggled and cheered and sang songs amusing all the regular bus riders. We disembarked and began our hike down the 3 km trail. I loved that my little group of preschool hikers immediately began assessing risks. ‘Those trees look like bridges – it would be fun to walk on them but if they broke we would fall in the water’;

I told the children I would take a picture of anything they found interesting along the way. The first one they requested was this lonely ‘rainbow leaf’;

They were amazed by the ‘broken beaver dam’;

Of course they noticed all the thistles growing along the trail.

These boys find thistles everywhere – in parks, back lanes, trails and even gardens. They like to touch them – they know they are prickly but to them this seems to be an acceptable risk. I find it interesting how gently they touch the thistles. Most of the time ‘gentle’ seems to be difficult for this group yet when it comes to thistles they demonstrate that they have the ability to be gentle so yes, keep practicing that!
Then they spotted ‘dandelions’ but they were very tall so a quick check of our field guide and we found out that they were actually sow thistles.

The children don’t think sow-thistle is as prickly as Canada Thistle and quickly lost interest until they found this;

We’ve seen these big leaves of the Common Burdock on many of our hikes but the children have never paid much attention to them or the burrs. Now these have become the ‘must touch’ favourites on all our hikes.

We reached the park at the end of the trail and took a washroom break. Everyone wanted to stay on the bridge for a while and look at the creek.

This was the mid point of our hike – we headed back along the trail to where we started. It was interesting how many of the landmarks the children remembered on our return trip. They got really excited as we approached the spot where the lonely rainbow leaf was. Pretty amazing that they can find the same leaf twice in a 6 km nature hike.
We had our lunch in the field near where the creek meets the Red River. It was so peaceful. 

There was a bald eagle that flew from one side of the clearing and back several times but I was never able to get a picture of him.
The bus ride home was still exciting but much quieter and everyone was ready for a nap when we returned.
We continue to go on long hikes in our neighbourhood but now the children point out all the prickly/sticky plants AND the buses too. Maybe we’ll have to try another bus adventure soon.
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