The problem with having Mud Day on the Friday before my vacation begins is that then I’m too busy working on my vacation projects to write about anything. So, since my ‘vacation’ is nearly over and my projects are almost complete here’s a very quick post about June 29, 2018.
The weather forecast said there was a chance of rain and there was a tiny bit of rain before we got outside – we wouldn’t have minded if it had continued. Once outside, the children immediately ran to check out the pool full of semi-dry soil;

Some were curious why it was only dirt but then I asked them if they were certain it was only dirt. They dug deeper…


It took much longer than I expected for them to find all the ‘dinosaur bones‘ hidden in the dirt so I didn’t bother bringing out the new activity cards – today the mud play was their main focus – I’ll introduce the card activities another day.
The children were becoming less interested in playing in the pool of dirt and seemed to prefer playing in the bins of water meant for washing the dirt off the bones.

So, I changed it up a bit…

Some of the children liked this much better;

Later we added some corn flour to the mud to make mud dough which the older children enjoyed playing with all afternoon while the littles napped;

As I watched the children engaged in their mud day activities I was already making plans for Mud Day 2019. I knew that one of my vacation projects was removing the old deck – where we were currently playing with mud – but I also knew that there would still be space for mud play and so much more.
You though, will have to wait until after my vacation is over and I’ve finished all my projects before you get to see the new outdoor play space. 
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