In myprevious postI wrote about how my plan to repurpose the old lounger cushions resulted in playroom renovation in order to move the ‘nature area trees’. I have been working on a post about the cushions and just realized that I never made a post about the trees after I finally got them moved. So now I’ve got a quick tree post to write – well, mostly just tree pictures to post.
Here is the renovated playroom with the trees – one on the far right by the entrance to the nap area and one in the centre of the play room.
Facing North towards the entrance to the nap area the trees are both in the centre of the picture.
Standing in the nap area, facing South toward the dining/craft room – one tree trunk out of frame to my left.
Standing in the block area looking toward the playroom entrance – shows the arch the trees form in the high part of the room.
Standing in the music/movement area looking up at the tree ‘canopy’ filling the space in front of the loft. The children like to look for/count all the birds, squirrel and butterflies hidden in amongst the branches.
Now that I’ve shown you the trees, I can finish the post about the cushions.
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